Ep 36: Vacation Mindset and the 4 Seasons of Business and Life

Vacation mindset is real. It sends men for one hell of a feedback loop and oftentimes looks a lot like summer. Each season has a different meaning:

  1. Spring – A time where everything is blooming.
  2. Summer – A time where vacation mindset kicks in.
  3. Fall – A time where the leaves change colors and they begin to fall off the tree.
  4. Winter – The beginning of rebirth.

You can be in multiple seasons at once.

Example, in one area of your business you could be launching a new product and it is about to boom…which was a result of you going through a winter in another area. Same holds true for your life.

Listen in as Cole walks you through the seasons and provides you tactics to help you avoid “vacation mindset” like the plague.

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