Ep 35: The Midnight Murph

You can do it in your sleep takes on a whole new meaning when you actually try…to perform a task half asleep.

Cole has been training for over 2 years now to set the world-record for most Murphs in under 24 hours.  Periodically he will challenge himself to test his why.  

Just recently he did a Murph at midnight and purposefully went to sleep knowing that waking up from REM sleep would be harder than the actual Murph instead. He was triumphant but his weaker self almost took his soul in the early rounds of the fight.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why you must create an environment that will serve you and not work against you.
  • What are motivational triggers and why are they so powerful to accomplish your goal.
  • Faking your way into action, ultimately leads to action because life does not reward hesitation.
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